Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

My Girls with Crochet Flower Headband

Hai...I just want to show you my new stuff at Rainbow Store...Crochet Flower for Headband. I ask my girl Tita and Riska wear it...so beautifull...

I Need More Time

Bosan juga ya rasanya bikin bros bunga rajut...pengennya bikin sesuatu yang laen...akan tetapi waktu terasa sangat sempit sekali. Ternyata sulit sekali membagi waktu antara mengurus rumah, suami dan tiga anak (padahal udah dibantu asisten), dengan bekerja dikantor (padahal sudah melepas semua kegiatan di luar tugas pokok), memanajemen my little Rainbow Store (padahal udah ada satu karyawan), dan mengembangkan bisnis baru Rainbow:Souvenir (nah...ini masih dikerjakan sendiri semua).

Hufff.....waktu terasa sangat kurang...
Tapi biar bagaimanapun saya bertekad harus menjalankan semuanya dengan baik...dengan strategi memprioritaskan hal yang memang perlu diprioritaskan. Maksudnya??? ya...sesuai kebutuhan aja...sesuai situasi dan kondisi... Jika orderan souvenir udanh memasuki masa tenggang (kayak pulsa isi ulang aja...hehe...) kerjaan souvenir didahulukan...jika ada kerjaan kantor kerjaan crafting disingkirkan...kalo pekerjaan rumah dan mengurus anak sih semuanya dilakoni sambil nyambi crafting...entah itu sambil online atau sambil jait, dll.

Orang bilang...tak ada yang bisa berhasil dalam banyak bidang dalam satu waktu...mungkin ada benarnya...tapi saya pikir kita bisa menjalankan banyak bidang...dengan memprioritaskan salah satu bidang tanpa menghentikan bidang yang lain. Mungkin untuk saat ini saya lebih fokus untuk mengembangkan bisnis souvenir, craft dan my store. Pekerjaan kantor saat ini off (maksudnya kegiatan-kegitan yang sifatnya proyek, karena bagi pegawai pemerintah di bidang konstruksi, yang bikin sibuk itu proyek dan kegiatan, kalo gak pegang proyek sih...nyantai-nyantai aja...tapi pekerjaan pokok tetap dilaksanakan ya...!!!)

Yaaaahhh...mudah-mudahan Allah memberikan kesehatan agar bisa melakoni semuanya...semoga Allah meridhoi dan mengabulkan semua yang dicita-citakan...Amin...

Kembali ke awal lagi ya....bosan bikin bros rajut, tapi stok bunga rajut buanyaaaak banget (kan udah punya beberapa pengrajin rajut...Alhamdulillah...). Kemaren ada waktu di rumah, (lagi-lagi) sambil menemani Tita dan Riska belajar untuk UAS, coba bikin bros rajut dalam bentuk bando...jadinya lucu juga...pantengin fotonya ya...^^ Kalo suka sila inbok ke FB, atau sms ke 081274214141 atau add Pin BB 2814120F.

Towel Animal Series for Souvenir

Mau memperkenalkan keluarga baru Rainbow nih...
Namanya Towel Animal...yang absen baru Puppy dan Bunny...^^...anggota lainnya menyusul ya...
Puppy ini adalah anak anjing dengan warna-warna lucu...pink, biru, kuning dan putih. Kemasannya bisa pake mika bisa juga plastik....

Selain Puppy ada juga Bunny...disini Puppy sohiban sama Bunny...mau mejeng berdua..."Duo Pinky"

Towel Animal ini menggunakan handuk yang tebal dan menyerap...untuk ukuran standar menggunakan handuk ukuran 20x24. Tapi bisa juga request ukuran handuk...warna spesial yang tersedia pink, pink fanta, kuning, dan ungu. Ntar kapan-kapan saya upload warna-warna spesialnya ya...^^

So...hayo buruan dipesen...yang mau nikahan, akikahan, atau sunatan....hahaha....
Buat pemesanan bisa inbox di FB, sms ke 081274214141 atau add pin BB 2814120F

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Happy Friday, Tomorrow is Holiday

I was very Happy today, Its Happy Friday!!! Boleh dibilang hari ini adalah hari yang melegakan sekali, karena satu orderan telah selesai dan diterima oleh sang pemesan dengan senyum senang dan puas...huffff...Alhamdulillah...ini nih yang paling membuat senang dan juga menambah semangat bagi seorang crafter...hasil karyanya diterima dengan senang apalagi kalo sampe histeris gitu...hehe...terus sambil koprol dan bilang WOW!!!!

Sekitar sebulan lalu, bisnis Rainbow mengembangkan sayap ke Towel Cake for Souvenir. Jadilah membuat beberapa sampel towel souvenir dan diupload ke facebook, posting ke blog, dan tak lupa pajang di display nya Rainbow Strore. Alhamdulillah...tak lama berselang ada teman yang order 500 pcs towel cake untuk souvenir pernikahannya yang diadakan tanggal 8 Desember 2012. Buru-buru order bahan baku, agak kalang kabut juga sih cari mika cake dengan harga grosir. Alhamdulillah semua bahan ready dan bisa segera di buat. 

Orderan ini baru benar-benar selesai dikerjakan pada hari Kamis tanggal 6 Desember 2012....duh...mepet banget kaaaaaaaan....tapi siang kamis itu juga, orderan langsung diserahterimakan....whuuuuuaaaa....dari dulu sampe sekarang metode SKS (sistem kebut semalam) masih aja dibudidayakan...

So....i've got a bunch of awesome picture to share with you from this ordered, hope you like this too...

So Thanksfull to Yus & Das, wish you both happy ever after, semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah dan warrohmah...amin...amin ya robbal alamin...still loving and old together....

and if you want to order you can contact me at 081274214141 or Blackberry PIN 2814120F or PM me at my Fanpage http://www.facebook.com/RainbowCraftSouvenir

Happy Weekend ^^

Jumat, 30 November 2012

Fabric Pouch (Bella Pouch Series)

Actually I made this pouches for my store. I had many many fabric from my journey and hunting at tanah abang ... i made pouches with two design, first design is bella design and second design is belle design. For this time i just share bella pouch series. Belle pouch will be post later. Why i named it bella and belle? i dont know exactly why, because i really really want to watch breaking dawn 3 at movies, but my hubby busy and have no time to go to movies with me...:

So...let me show you the Bella Pouch Series. For completely picture about it, you can see them at my facebook.

If you like and wanna this, it can be youra just with price Rp 45000. To have it, just PM at my facebook or call 081274214141

Happy Crafting

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Blossom Flower Series

At rainy november, with pleasure i made blossom flower from ribbon with bright colourfull. This flower can be used as brooch, headband, clip, or anything you like.

if you like it, and wanna this,
please contact 081274214141
or visit and pm my fanpage
Rainbow Craft and Souvenir

Selasa, 13 November 2012

Souvenir Towel Cake

Senin, 12 November 2012

Rainbow Crochet Flower

very...very long time not posting here. Actually i'm busy with my new passion...have own craft store and gallery. Yeahh...i begin to start improve my bussiness when i open my store. I will posting about it later. 

Right now, i just want to share about my rainbow crochet flower. If you want to be my reseller, you can PM me at Facebook. Ask me for mobilephone and blackberry PIN :

thanks for coming
: rainbow craft :

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Owl Crochet



Rainbow Craft

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Weekend Update # Promo for reseller

For this weekend...i just want to share you about my promo for reseller. Who wants to be reseller and sell our product, you can PM or contact us for order this package. Its Pre Order, about 1-2 week, depends mount of order. This package consist of:

1. One dozen of flower crochet brooch

2. One dozen of hat crochet brooch

3. One dozen of felt keychain

4. Two owll crochet for bonus

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Pretty in Pink Magenta

I love pink so much...i dont know why. When i was young girl, pink is the color that i noticed when i choosed any stuff. And now as young woman, pink is the color that i choosed to wear when i want to feel confident. The difference is when i was young girl, my favorite is baby pink, and when i am young woman, my favorite is bright pink, dark pink, exactly is magenta. I remembered when i was in college, and intend going to see my professor, either for assistance/guidance or for other purposed, pink dress was my choice to boost confidence. I even named the color pink as the color of good luck...hahaha...

Sometimes i will prefer another color for a while, depending on the situation, but i will come back to my original favorite color when those specific needs are meets.

So...pink magenta is my favorite...how about you? what is favorite color of you...?

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Weekend Update # Saturday

Saturday is holiday...free from office tasks...free for lately wake up...
Saturday is going to fresh market...cooking some of delicious dishes for my family....
Saturday is time for come to invitation (*kondangan*)...or......
Saturday is just at home...for relax...rest...and sleeeeeeep....^^

And Its My Favorite This Saturday:

1. Hot Brown Coffe....slurrrrrrrp....Its my habit everyday...have some 
   hot drink, coffe or tea.

 2. Chocolate Brownies....nyummyyyy...no matter about 

3. Combine of Both....TOP!!!

4. And also trying to finished my owl crochet for brooch...*LOVE IT*

Hope you all have great weekend

Jumat, 21 September 2012

My Hat is Round (Topi Saya Bundar)

*Lets Sing*
Topi Saya Bundar
Bundar Topi Saya
Kalau Tidak Bundar
Bukan Topi Saya

My Hat is Round (Topi saya bundar) is Famous Indonesian Children Songs. When I kid, My moms, My Aunt, My Grandma, My Teacher always sing this song for me. And Now...I always sing this song too for my Kids. The song is simple but...sing it really make us fun. And i think...this song is very educated that learn about shape and about own stuff. This song is legend...

Okay...i am here just want to show you my crochet hat for brooch. It made from colourfull cotton yarn with very simple pattern...^_*. And finished touch with ribbon and beads...
I hope you like it and if you wanna be this brooch, you can contact me...


If you like
Just Contact Us at

Rainbow Craft Gallery
085381114477 (sms only)
BB 2837F898 (ask us to join grup)

Happy September with Pinterest

Hey Crafters...Happy September!!!
Its Middle of Month...mmmm...at least last week of September, and none of posting in my blog!!!
Wowwww.....its not good!!!

I spent half of sebtember with blogwalking and....click-click with PINTEREST....!!!
I feel really pumped about this site...It's a very inspiring...
In this site you can share anything that you love...learn anything that you need...!!!
First...I want to tell you about pinterest. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more. Users can browse other pinboards for inspiration, 're-pin' images to their own collections or 'like' photos. Pinterest users can upload, save, sort and manage images, known as pins, and other media content (i.e. videos) through collections known as pinboards.

Good News!!! I have Pinterest Account...just click http://pinterest.com/ekarainbowcraft/ so that.... just follow me.....yeayyyyy...^___^

Now I want to share some of my boards so that i hope that will give you inspirations...^_*

1. Adore Patchwork and Quilting
Why do i name this boards with adore patchwork and quilting? It cause I really...really want to learn about patchwork and quilting...and I know...patchwork and quilting is difficult...need patience...experience...and practice...So..I very...very appreciate to person who make this art, they are so adorable.... 

Cutepatchwork by Carmen

Flower garden pillow.
2.  Sewing Pillow

Pip and Ellie Applique Cushion Pattern

3. Sweet Little Dress


Babushka apron...suka ini bangeeets

4. Crochet

crocheted doll Suzette DIY pattern

Colourful Crochet Flower

5. Pretty Work Space


 yummy studio

 Craft Room

 6. Amaze Display

Carnival theme...love the little balloons on the cake!
 Amy Atlas = genius

Okayyyyy...that was just some of my pinboards...for more you can follow me on
Pinterest Logo.svg

 Happy Pinning Freinds

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